Simple Qigong Exercises

Simple Qigong Exercises for Beginners

Simple Qigong exercises can be done anywhere and anytime. Although most exercises involve standing or arm movements, many exercises can be performed while sitting in a chair or with minimal space. In this article we break down some of the easiest moments with the most effective outcomes.

Easy and Simple Qigong Exercises

The most simple Qigong exercises involve movements that utilize the hands and arms. Such exercises stimulate energy channels in the body and are known as a type of Qigong massage based on Acupressure and TCM concepts.

Elbow Point Massage

Elbow Point Massage involves locating the pressure point at the top of the inner elbow crease, which connects to the large intestine and nervous system. Press deeply into this point with your thumb. Massaging this area can relieve arm pain and may benefit those with conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Hand Rubbing

For Hand Rubbing, place one hand on top of the other and rub them together in a circular motion. This exercise helps break up age spots on the back of the hands, where the Qi of Yin and Yang meet. While rubbing, mentally affirm, “All my channels are open; the aging spots in my hand are completely healed.” Perform this on each hand for about 1-3 minutes as often as possible.

Finger Tapping

Finger Tapping involves interlacing your fingers and tapping them back and forth. This stimulates energy along the spine and supports spinal health. Perform this exercise for 1-3 minutes daily.

Finger Tapping for Memory

Finger Tapping for Memory includes tapping your fingers on a surface to enhance memory and potentially prevent strokes. Chinese medicine suggests that stimulating energy points in the fingers can benefit the brain and heart. If a surface isn’t available, you can also tap your fingers from both hands together. Perform this exercise regularly to improve memory and eye-hand coordination.

Throat Rubbing

Throat Rubbing entails rubbing your throat up and down starting from the top. It is recommended for people with sore throats and can help reset the vibration frequency in the throat. Hum a specific sound like “shee” while doing this exercise. Perform it several times a day for 1-2 minutes, especially if you use your voice frequently.

Eye Relaxation

Eye Relaxation involves placing different colored objects, such as plants, around your workspace. Looking at plants can help relax tired eyes and reduce strain from computer screens. The color green is particularly beneficial for liver Qi. Stand up and bounce your feet occasionally to keep energy flowing. Rub your eyes with warm hands by clapping them together and placing them over your eyes.

Tongue Swishing for Digestion

Tongue Swishing for Digestion consists of swishing your tongue in the right, left, and center portions of your mouth 36 times each to generate saliva. Then, swallow the saliva down to the dantian area in three gulps. This exercise aids digestion and maintains hydration and can be performed at any time of the day.

All of these exercises and more are available with our one on one classes and Qigong subscription.