Tea & Teaware Collections

Browse a wide variety of tea collections. We provide a thoroughly selected group of products to make tea browsing as seamless, fulfilling, and custom as possible. From Tea Bags to Tea Variety Pack options, as well as Aged Tea and Teaware, our comprehensive list has something for everyone.

  • 1980s Tea

    1980s Tea (8)

    Tea production in the 1980s experienced significant changes in both China and Taiwan. Following the Cultural Revolution, many tea farms prioritized mass production, resulting in lower quality until the late '70s. However, from the late '70s through the '80s, farms refocused on producing premium exports like Tongxing Puerh, Gongting Puerh, and Baizhen Jinlian Puerh, leading to a resurgence in high-end…
  • 1990s Tea

    1990s Tea (12)

    In the 1990s, Chinese tea production surged, driven by demand from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and expanding global markets. Puerh and Heicha dominated exports due to their post-fermentation process, making them easier to store and transport. Farmers prioritized these teas over smaller, locally consumed varieties like green tea. This collection features 1990s Hei Cha and Puerh teas, including old arbor leaf…
  • 2000s Tea

    2000s Tea (11)

    From 2000 to 2010, tea production in China saw a surge in small-batch experimentation, particularly with Puerh teas. Specialty teas like the 7572, 7532, and 7581 Puerh varieties from CCNP gained popularity. The Menghai Tea Factory produced sweeter Puerhs, while Xiaguan Tea Factory focused on heavier, malty flavors. Increased production of old tree teas led to richer flavors and more…
  • 70s Tea

    70s Tea (3)

    This collection of 1970s tea features rare, well-preserved selections from a time when China's Cultural Revolution limited production. Merchants in Hong Kong and Taiwan bought or stored these teas for future use. Collectors preserved them, anticipating their future value. In recent decades, demand for aged teas surged, transforming these products into sought-after commodities. This collection highlights Tibetan Teas, Heicha varieties,…
  • Afternoon Tea

    Afternoon Tea (22)

    Afternoon Tea selections offer mid to high caffeine levels, ideal for avoiding the afternoon slump. These include medium to heavily oxidized and roasted Oolongs, as well as small and large leaf Black Teas. Large leaf Black Teas provide a traditional afternoon caffeine boost, while small leaf varieties are perfect for tea time. These teas serve as excellent coffee alternatives, offering…
  • Aged Black Tea

    Aged Black Tea (3)

    Aged Black Tea refers to black tea stored for over 7 years. At Qiful Life, most of our selections are aged 20 years or more, with some reaching over 70 years. These teas are highly sought after by collectors, second only to Puerh. Some experts even consider this category rarer due to limited production and storage between the 1950s and…
  • Aged Oolong Tea

    Aged Oolong Tea (6)

    Aged Oolong refers to Oolong teas stored for over 7 years, categorized as Vintage Oolongs (20-40 years old) and Antique Oolongs (over 40 years old). Aged Oolong develops distinct characteristics over time, retaining its original harvest fragrance while gaining a dark tea quality. This creates a unique blend of fragrant, roasted, and dark tea profiles. Our Aged Oolong teas are…
  • Aged Puerh Tea

    Aged Puerh Tea (26)

    Aged Puerh Tea is harvested and stored for a minimum of 7 years. Our products come from trusted tea lineages known for producing premium-grade Puerh, with strict storage monitoring. Each tea is personally sampled and selected for its production quality, flavor profile, and Qi. Aged Puerh is classified into three categories: Semi-Aged (7-20 years), Vintage (20-40 years), and Antique (50-100…
  • Aged Tea

    Aged Tea (41)

    Aged tea refers to tea stored for at least 7 years. This includes Vintage Tea (20-40 years) and Antique Tea (over 40 years), with rare varieties aged 70-100 years. We source these teas from lineages dating back two centuries, originating during the Second Opium War (1856-1860). These lineages preserve tea-making knowledge and maintain limited supplies of high-quality, well-documented selections, ensuring…
  • Aged Tibetan Tea

    Aged Tibetan Tea (4)

    Aged Tibetan Tea refers to specific dark tea "Heicha" types from the Sichuan Basin and Hunan Province. These varieties undergo production and storage for over 7 years in dry conditions. Our selection features products produced in Sichuan or Hunan, then stored on the Tibetan Plateau for decades before transport to our facilities in the USA. We ensure all products meet…
  • Asian Tea

    Asian Tea (50)

    Asian Tea encompasses a large area. The most extensive and popular selection of teas sourced from Asia include regions in China, Taiwan, and the Sichuan Basin near Tibet. We offer specific varieties from these areas, including specific regions such as Yunnan, Hunan, and Fujian in China. This is in addition to premium mountain regions in Taiwan, such as Lishan and…
  • Black Tea

    Black Tea (11)

    Black Tea consists of fully oxidized leaves from the camellia sinensis plant. This category includes large leaf varieties known for their higher caffeine content, as well as smaller, fragrant selections. We source our Black Tea from high mountain regions with abundant rainfall and optimal sun-drying conditions, ensuring gourmet quality. Unlike most tea dealers who focus on quantity, we hand-pluck our…
  • Black Tea Bags

    Black Tea Bags (2)

    Explore our selection of gourmet Black Tea Bags, crafted from premium-grade black tea hand-plucked from small-batch farms located at high altitudes within coveted tea forest regions. We package this tea in eco-friendly, compostable bags to preserve its quality and taste, ensuring an experience comparable to loose leaf black tea. Our Black Tea Bags offer a convenient way to enjoy premium…
  • Black Tea Cakes

    Black Tea Cakes (2)

    Explore a diverse array of Black Tea Cakes crafted with the finest tea leaves from Asia. Hand-picked and carefully pressed in forest environments within tea mountains. Our products range from the latest yearly harvest selections to commissioned products like Lemon Black Tea. We also carry a popular Gu Shu cake that derives from an old tea tree in Taiwan. Most Black…
  • Cha Qi - Tea with Good Qi

    Cha Qi - Tea with Good Qi (32)

    Explore our selection of teas known for their beneficial Qi, referred to as “Cha Qi” in Chinese, meaning Tea Energy. Cha Qi Tea can produce sensations such as increased circulation and light tingling throughout the body. Both new and aged teas can possess good Qi; however, not all teas guarantee this experience due to varying growing conditions and harvesting techniques.…
  • Chinese Tea

    Chinese Tea (35)

    Chinese tea consists primarily of Puerh, Black, Green, Yellow, Oolong and Dark the varieties. Due to the large geographic area of China, tea varieties from China as as far and wide as the nation itself. Explore a wide selection of premium Chinese teas sourced from renowned regions such as Yunnan, Hunan, the Wuyi Mountains, and the Sichuan-Tibet border. We offer…
  • Clay Cups for Tea

    Clay Cups for Tea (7)

    Explore our selection of premium clay teacups from Asia. We offer authentic Zisha clay varieties in both small and large sizes, along with handmade Taiwan teacups crafted from natural minerals and Yanni clay from rocky regions. Use these clay cups to enjoy Ripe and Raw Puerh Tea, as well as Dark Teas like Liu Bao, Liu An, and Fu Zhuang.…
  • Evening Tea

    Evening Tea (9)

    Evening Tea refers to low-caffeine teas ideal for later in the day without disrupting sleep. This category includes Green Tea in loose leaf and tea bag formats, as well as herbal and Purple Teas, which have gained popularity. Evening Tea now encompasses two additional meanings. First, it refers to dessert tea, often roasted Oolongs with smoky flavors created by wood-burning…
  • Fermented Tea

    Fermented Tea (15)

    Fermented tea undergoes microbial fermentation to develop rich, malty, and earthy flavors. Traditionally used in China for Hei Cha (Dark Teas) like Liu Bao and Liu An, it’s produced in regions like Sichuan and Hunan Provinces. Post-fermented tea, a technique applied after drying, is most famously used in Puerh production. This method has become the primary process for creating popular…
  • Fuzhuan Tea

    Fuzhuan Tea (6)

    Fuzhuan tea, also known as fu tea or fu brick, originates from Hunan and Sichuan Provinces. Unlike Puer, which ferments in loose leaf form, Fuzhuan is compressed into a brick shape before fermentation. This process creates distinct flavors, including mild sweetness with notes of wood, straw, and herbs. As it ages, the tea develops deeper flavors with hints of dried…
  • Gourmet Loose Leaf Tea

    Gourmet Loose Leaf Tea (33)

    Browse our selection of Gourmet Loose Leaf Tea, sourced directly from top Asian farms. We offer Puerh, Oolong, Black, White, and Green Tea, including rare and limited varieties based on seasonal availability. Every tea comes from premier growing regions with rich soil and expert cultivation. Each harvest is carefully stored in airtight containers to maintain optimal freshness. Our loose leaf…
  • Gourmet Tea Bag Sachets

    Gourmet Tea Bag Sachets (8)

    Our Tea Bag Sachets feature premium Gourmet Tea sourced from local Asian farms. Each sachet contains hand-picked, single-origin, organic teas, including both yearly harvested and aged varieties. Packaged in eco-friendly, compostable pyramid sachets, these selections offer convenience without compromising quality. Popular options include our Tea Variety Pack and Signature Oolong Tea Bags. We believe everyone should enjoy premium and aged…
  • Handmade Tea Cups & Tea Pots

    Handmade Tea Cups & Tea Pots (24)

    Explore our range of handmade tea cups and tea pots. Items include Japanese-style Tenmoku tea cups (Jianzhan), crafted by Taiwanese pottery masters. We also offer Zisha clay cups in premium Duan Ni and Zhu Ni varieties. Handmade teapots in porcelain and Zisha materials are also available. These include selections from renowned Chinese tea masters Zhou Guizhen, Xu Han Tang, Gu…
  • Hei Cha

    Hei Cha (7)

    Discover Hei Cha, or Dark Tea, in our premium selection from Hunan and Sichuan. Offerings include Liu An, Liu Bao, and aged varieties. Unlike traditional black tea, Hei Cha undergoes a wet piling method, where water is applied to loose tea leaves, allowing fermentation in hot, humid conditions. This process enhances the tea’s aroma, taste, and dark, smooth appearance. Aged…
  • High Caffeine Tea

    High Caffeine Tea (11)

    Explore our High Caffeine Tea collection featuring heavily oxidized Oolongs and large-leaf Black Teas. These teas deliver a smooth caffeine boost without jitters, making them the perfect coffee alternative. Each tea offers premium quality in both flavor and production. Black Tea leads in caffeine content, with large-leaf varieties offering the highest concentration and bold taste. Small-leaf Black Teas provide medium…
  • Hunan Tea

    Hunan Tea (2)

    Explore our premium and aged Hunan Tea selections, sourced from one of China's most renowned tea-producing regions. Hunan's high elevations and ideal climate make it a prime location for top-quality tea cultivation. The province is home to the famous Junshan Island, where prized Junshan yellow tea originates. This exclusive tea offers a complex yet delicate flavor with hints of honey,…
  • Loose Leaf Black Tea

    Loose Leaf Black Tea (7)

    Explore our premium Loose Leaf Black Tea selection, hand-plucked and carefully processed in the forests of Taiwan as well as Fujian and Yunnan, China. Our teas maintain unique flavor profiles and freshness, unlike mass-produced, machine-rolled options. Grown in secluded mountain areas with ideal elevation and rainfall, these forest-grown teas surpass terrace-grown alternatives in quality. Sourced exclusively from local tea masters,…
  • Loose Leaf Oolong Tea

    Loose Leaf Oolong Tea (11)

    Explore our wide selection of Loose Leaf Oolong Tea. Each premium-grade tea is hand-picked from Asia's finest high-mountain tea regions, ensuring optimal taste and quality. Our close partnerships with local farmers grant us exclusive access to award-winning Oolongs that sell out quickly in Asia. Known for their fragrance and complex flavors, these organic Oolongs are hand-plucked and hand-rolled to preserve…
  • Loose Leaf Puerh

    Loose Leaf Puerh (19)

    Explore our Loose Leaf Puerh Tea collection, offering both aged and newly harvested options. We source exclusively from trusted farmers who uphold the highest standards in harvesting and storage. Most Loose Leaf Puerh is traditionally aged, preserving its flavor and quality. In the past, Puerh was sold in loose form to local customers. Over time, compressed forms like cakes, bricks,…
  • Loose Leaf White Tea

    Loose Leaf White Tea (2)

    Loose Leaf White Tea has traditionally been limited to mid-grade production. Most tea farmers focus on producing Puerh, Oolong, or Green Tea, with few venturing into Premium grade white tea. After years of collaboration with farmers across China and Taiwan, we now offer some of the most unique and premium loose-leaf white teas available. Selections include Silver Needle and Gold…
  • Low Acid Tea

    Low Acid Tea (12)

    Low Acid Teas are increasingly important to tea drinkers with sensitivity to acidy, such as acid reflex. Gourmet Quality and Single Origin teas, especially hand-plucked from pollution-free, high-mountain regions, are important factors within this category. Clean environments and abundant water sources contribute to higher alkalinity and improved pH levels. Recommended products consist primarily of non-fermented and lightly oxidized teas, such…
  • Low Caffeine Tea

    Low Caffeine Tea (12)

    Low Caffeine Tea offers all the flavor and enjoyment of tea without the jittery effects. Unlike decaffeinated teas, which often undergo chemical processing, our teas are 100% natural. Many decaf options use methods involving compressed carbon dioxide or harmful solvents, but our teas are free from chemicals like methylene chloride or ethyl acetate. They are exactly as nature intended. Other…
  • Menghai Tea Factory

    Menghai Tea Factory (5)

    Tea from the renowned Menghai Tea Factory produce some of the world's most coveted dark teas. Established in 1940, this factory helped pioneer the production of Shu Puerh Tea, also known as Ripe Puerh. Located in the Xishuangbanna prefecture of Menghai County, the Menghai Tea Factory was state-run until 1996, when it transitioned into a private enterprise. This transition also…
  • Morning Tea

    Morning Tea (30)

    Our Morning Tea collection offers two distinct categories: Tea for Waking Up and Tea for Digestion. Each caters to individual morning routines with a variety of teas. For waking up, Black Tea and Roasted Oolong are excellent choices. These gourmet selections come from high-mountain, premium growing areas, delivering a healthy boost of energy without the jitters. For digestion, Puerh Tea…
  • Oolong Tea

    Oolong Tea (11)

    Oolong is a semi-oxidized tea, positioned between green tea, which is unoxidized, and black tea, which is fully oxidized. Oolong also varies by roasting level. Lightly roasted varieties offer sweeter, fruity notes, while mid to heavy roasted options have richer, more robust flavors. This diversity makes Oolong one of the most versatile tea categories. Our most popular selections include high-mountain…
  • Oolong Tea Bags

    Oolong Tea Bags (4)

    Browse our selection of Oolong Tea Bags, crafted with premium high-mountain Oolong and compostable bag materials. Oolong, hand-rolled into tight balls during production, is ideal for tea bags, ensuring optimal packaging without compromising flavor or fragrance. Unlike green tea, which requires cutting for bagging, Oolong retains its full quality. At Qiful Life, we rigorously test each Oolong harvest to determine…
  • Osmanthus Tea

    Osmanthus Tea (1)

    Browse our selection of Osmanthus Tea, sourced from wild-grown Osmanthus flowers in the high mountains of Taiwan. Ample rainfall and sunshine ensure premium quality and fragrance. Each flower is hand-picked and stored in optimal conditions to preserve freshness and flavor. We blend these flowers with high-end tea leaves from trusted farmers in Taiwan. Grown primarily in high mountain regions, the…
  • Premium Teaware

    Premium Teaware (40)

    Explore our Premium Teaware Collection, featuring aged Zisha teapots, clay teacups, Tenmoku teacups, glass cups, and Gai Wan tea sets. We source each piece directly from renowned artists and teaware masters in Asia, who demonstrate exceptional craftsmanship and a commitment to enhancing the tea experience. Most items are handmade using the finest, ethically sourced materials.
  • Puerh Tea

    Puerh Tea (24)

    Explore our Puerh Tea Collection, featuring New and Aged products in Loose Leaf, Tea Bag, Cake, and Brick formats. We also offer a range of Specialty and Regional selections. We source all our Puerh Tea directly from Yunnan, China. After years of tasting and evaluating harvests from various farms, and conducting thorough audits of tea dealers and factories, we have…
  • Puerh Tea Bags

    Puerh Tea Bags (3)

    Browse our Puerh Tea Bags, crafted from premium Puerh tea and compostable materials. These products offer a convenient, high-quality way to enjoy gourmet Puerh tea. Sourced exclusively from Yunnan, China, our Puerh delivers authentic flavor and quality. Many lower-grade Puerh tea bags come from neighboring countries like Laos and Vietnam, where limited expertise and inferior tea trees result in subpar…
  • Puerh Tea Bricks

    Puerh Tea Bricks (3)

    Discover our selection of Puerh Tea Bricks, expertly crafted in Yunnan, China. Made from hand-harvested loose-leaf tea, these bricks are designed to preserve flavor and ensure easy storage. We focus on old arbor, large-leaf varieties from southern Yunnan, especially the Xishuangbanna region. The Daizu people, known for their expertise in traditional tea brick production, use hand-pressing methods that result in…
  • Puerh Tea Cakes

    Puerh Tea Cakes (6)

    Explore our Puerh Tea Cakes, featuring yearly harvested and aged options. We source all selections exclusively from trusted farmers who maintain high-quality standards. Only single origin and gourmet tea is used. Each cake begins with hand-plucked leaves from optimal growing conditions, which we press using traditional methods to create fragrant, high-quality products. Aged cakes typically come in full 357g sizes,…
  • Sichuan Tea

    Sichuan Tea (1)

    Explore our selection of Sichuan Tea, featuring products from the Sichuan Tea Factory and the Sichuan Basin. Sichuan boasts a rich tea culture and produces premium green and dark teas, including several award-winning varieties that rank among the world's finest. Sichuan Basin dark tea offers authentic Tibetan tea flavors and includes premium Fuzhuan selections in limited supply.
  • Single Origin Tea

    Single Origin Tea (21)

    Browse our selection of Single Origin Tea, all sourced from Single Estate farms and personally overseen by our resident Tea Master across tea farms in Taiwan and China. Single Origin Tea comes exclusively from one specific region and is not blended with other tea leaf varieties. The tea trees used have grown for more than 20 years, though some believe…
  • Storage for Loose Leaf Tea

    Storage for Loose Leaf Tea (3)

    Browse our selection of premium storage options for loose leaf tea, including high-quality tin and Zisha clay containers. Tea storage falls into two categories: dark tea and light tea. For dark teas like Puerh, Tibetan Tea, or black tea, clay containers are ideal for direct storage. Avoid storing dark teas in tin containers unless they are wrapped in a tea…
  • Taiwan Black Tea

    Taiwan Black Tea (7)

    Browse our selection of premium Taiwan Black Tea, sourced directly from local Taiwanese tea masters. An award-winning tea master oversees the harvest of all our Taiwanese black teas. This includes our signature Honey Flavor Black Tea, grown in high mountain regions, Ruby Black No. 18 from Sun Moon Lake, and our Osmanthus Black Tea. We also offer Large Leaf cultivars…
  • Taiwan High Mountain Tea

    Taiwan High Mountain Tea (14)

    Browse our premium selection of Taiwan High Mountain Tea, sourced from farms located at 1,000 meters above sea level. Our offerings include Oolong, Black, and Green teas, all renowned for their intense fragrance and long steeping ability, known as Nai Pao. Choose from high mountain areas like Fushoushan, Lishan, and Alishan. While most Taiwanese High Mountain Oolongs are lightly oxidized,…
  • Taiwan Oolong Tea

    Taiwan Oolong Tea (8)

    Explore our exclusive Taiwan Oolong Tea collection, sourced from the most sought-after tea regions in the world. Taiwan’s high mountain environments and abundant rainfall give these Oolongs a fragrance unmatched by any neighboring producers. Quality varies based on region, altitude, and cultivation techniques, with the finest Taiwan Oolong Tea coming from select batches in deep forest mountain areas. Only renowned…
  • Taiwan Tea

    Taiwan Tea (16)

    Explore our diverse selection of Taiwan Tea, featuring premium and competition-grade Oolong, Green, Black and White teas. Taiwan is renowned for world-class Oolong Teas from famed tea mountains like Fushoushan, Lishan, Dayuling, Shanlinxi, Wenshan District, Alishan, Sanxia, and Sun Moon Lake. These regions produce single-origin, small-batch teas overseen by tea masters with generations of expertise. Highlights include Roasted Oolong, High…
  • Taiwan Wenshan Tea

    Taiwan Wenshan Tea (2)

    Discover the two main types of Taiwan Wenshan Tea: Muzha Tieguanyin and Baozhong (Paochung) tea. Muzha Tieguanyin, a roasted Oolong cultivar, employs traditional frying techniques to create its distinct roasted flavor. Tea masters often prepare this tea with a medium to heavy roast, making it an excellent addition to any Oolong lineup or a satisfying coffee replacement. In contrast, Wenshan…
  • Tea Bag Samplers

    Tea Bag Samplers (2)

    Browse Tea Bag Samplers for sale and explore a variety pack tailored to any preference. Our most popular selection is the Tea Variety Pack, designed to provide an excellent sampling experience. For those seeking fewer samples, we offer our flagship teas in 2-bag formats, totaling 6 grams. This selection includes premium, competition-grade Puerh, Oolong, and Black teas. At Qiful Life,…
  • Tea Blends

    Tea Blends (3)

    Browse our selection of unique tea blends that redefine the gourmet tea experience. From lemon-infused black tea to Mandarin oranges stuffed with aged Puerh and Chinese herbs, our creations offer a fresh perspective on tea mixing. While many tea blends rely on non-organic, artificial ingredients that prioritize fragrance over quality, we believe in the opposite approach. At Qiful Life, we…
  • Tea Bricks

    Tea Bricks (3)

    Explore our wide variety of premium quality Tea Bricks, featuring selections that range from the latest harvests to aged teas. Our selections come from trusted farmers who have self-purchased and stored teas in their own managed warehouses over the years. These farmers also maintain collections passed down through generations of expertise. Our newer tea brick selections also originate from these…
  • Tea Cakes

    Tea Cakes (7)

    Explore our wide range of Tea Cakes, featuring premium and aged options. We source our cakes from local farmers in Asia who hand-pick the tea and use traditional pressing methods to preserve the quality and taste of the tea. Our collection includes traditional 357g sizes for many aged tea selections and 100g sizes for newer products. Tea cake flavors include…
  • Tea Cups

    Tea Cups (13)

    Browse our wide selection of tea cups, featuring high-end options that showcase the craftsmanship and artistry of renowned pottery makers in Asia. Our products come exclusively from local pottery masters, and we pride ourselves on sourcing from artists who believe that handcrafted items provide a more genuine feel and experience than machine-made products. Discover our rare lineup of Zisha teacups.…
  • Tea for Digestion

    Tea for Digestion (11)

    Looking for tea to support digestion? Explore our range of fermented and post-fermented teas designed to alleviate constipation and promote better digestion. Puerh Tea and Tibetan Tea stand out as the top choices for digestion. These teas undergo post-fermentation through a microbial process that boosts enzymes and accelerates food breakdown. Many people in China enjoy Puerh Tea in the morning…
  • Tea Tins

    Tea Tins (1)

    Browse our selection of tightly sealed Tea Tins for sale, designed to provide durable protection for any tea. Currently, we offer our standard black tea tin, which comfortably holds up to 150 grams of tea. Other colors, such as red or gold, are available by special request. These tea tins primarily cater to various loose leaf teas. While smaller leaf…
  • Tenmoku Tea Cups

    Tenmoku Tea Cups (7)

    Discover our premium Tenmoku Tea Cups, perfect for sipping any type of tea. Known as Jianzhan in Chinese, this artistic style recreates the high-temperature wood-burning techniques of the Song Dynasty to craft exceptional teacups. Over the past two decades, this art form has gradually revived in Asia, gaining significant popularity in Taiwan since 2013, which has become a hub for…
  • The Finest Collection of Gourmet Tea

    The Finest Collection of Gourmet Tea (39)

    Explore our Gourmet Tea, sourced from the finest mountains, harvests, and growing conditions in the tea world. Our selections come directly from renowned farmers across Asia, ensuring a premium farm-to-cup experience. During our decade living in Asia, we visited numerous tea farms and estates, which enabled us to curate our selections with confidence. We built strong relationships with our tea…
  • Tibetan Brick Tea

    Tibetan Brick Tea (1)

    Explore our diverse selection of Tibetan Brick Tea for sale, featuring both small and large bricks, as well as aged options. We store our teas in Asia and import only the finest selections to the West, ensuring premium taste and production quality. Tibetan Brick Tea includes various varieties produced throughout Sichuan and Hunan. Sichuan Province historically produced the most popular…
  • Tibetan Tea

    Tibetan Tea (4)

    Explore Tibetan Brick Tea, Aged Options, and Tea Bags. Tibetan Tea, a type of "Heicha" or Dark Tea, hails from Sichuan and Hunan Provinces, China. It distinguishes itself from other Heicha types like Liu Bao and Liu due to its comparatively darker and heavier flavor profile. We source these teas from reputable vendors in Hunan and Sichuan Provinces, as well…
  • Tibetan Tea Bags

    Tibetan Tea Bags (2)

    Our Tibetan Tea Bags hold Aged & Premium Tibetan Tea, thoughtfully packaged in compostable bags that mimic teapot brewing. Enjoy exquisite teas on the go, including our signature 1990 Tibetan Tea and 1970 harvests. These teas belong to the Heicha "Dark Tea" variety, developed in the Sichuan Basin during the 1970s and 1990s. Initially crafted in Sichuan, they were directly…
  • Traditional Asian Snacks

    Traditional Asian Snacks (1)

    Browse traditional Asian snacks known for aiding and helping supplement one's energy based on TCM principles.
  • White Tea

    White Tea (2)

    Explore a variety of White Tea for Sale. Premium Grade selections sourced from trusted farmers. White tea is the name given to young tea buds that are harvested and minimally processed. They are typically not allowed to open and are then dried in the sun. This produces a tea that looks and tastes unlike green, oolong, black, or fermented tea.…
  • Wuyi Rock Tea

    Wuyi Rock Tea (4)

    Wuyi Rock Tea is China's most revered Oolong tea. Located in Fujian province, this tea is called rock tea or "Yan Cha" because it grows in mineral-rich, reddish clay between unique mountainous areas. Wuyi Rock Teas have low acidity and a roasted flavor profile. Popular varieties include Rou Gui, a gourmet dark roast Oolong; Dong Hong Dao (Big Red Robe)…
  • Xiaguan Tea

    Xiaguan Tea (2)

    Explore Xiaguan Tea Factory's offerings from Yunnan, China, where you'll find aged and premium Puerh and Fermented tea selections. Xiaguan Tea Factory, with over a century of experience, is renowned for its exceptional teas. Situated in Dali City, western Yunnan, this bustling factory emerged from the merger of several smaller tea companies. It gained prominence in Chinese tea history by…
  • Yixing Zisha Teapots

    Yixing Zisha Teapots (14)

    Browse a wide variety of Yixing Zisha Teapots. Premium & aged teapots from renowned Zisha pottery makers in China. Only authentic Zisha clay from Yixing, China is used. Zisha is Yixing, China’s revered teapot clay. It is known for having pores inside, allowing Dark Tea and Puerh Tea to breathe more effectively. Zisha clay material used includes Hong Ni, Duan Ni,…
  • Yunnan Tea

    Yunnan Tea (25)

    Yunnan Tea consists of various single-origin tea sourced from China's southern region of Yunnan province. The area is mostly known for Raw and Ripe Puerh production, but has also become increasingly popular for producing Black Tea in addition to small batch Green and Oolongs. All our Yunnan Tea is premium quality. We source from award winning farmers known for producing…
  • Zisha Clay Tea Cups

    Zisha Clay Tea Cups (7)

    Browse Zisha clay tea cups. Sourced from pottery masters in China. Premium quality made from authentic Zisha clay mined in Yixing, China. Types of Zisha Clay Tea Cups There are several varieties of Zisha clay throughout China. The most popular for teacup use is Zhu Ni (purplish color) and Duan Ni (yellow) materials.  Some Hong Ni (Reddish) color selections are…
  • Wellness Packages

    Wellness Packages (4)

    Browse a variety of Wellness Packages that include introductions and discounts to Gourmet Tea, Qigong Subscriptions and Meditation Classes. All Wellness Packages include discounts to our flagship Tea Variety Pack, which is a great starter kit for any tea enthusiast looking to expand their palate. We also include discounts on Aged Tea products as part of certain bundles. Other bundles…