Qigong For Injuries

Qigong for Injuries

A common question is whether Qigong can help with injuries. Qigong doesn’t require you to be extremely fit to practice or benefit. Unlike some practices like yoga, which need flexibility and strength, Qigong is accessible even if you’re injured or have limited mobility. In this article, we explore some gentler healing practices.

Qigong Hands-on Healing

The Spring Forest Qigong Center offers a variety of courses, namely Head to Toe Healing. He combined ancient Chinese massage with Qigong to create a system that heals and teaches healing. Here are some benefits:

  • Heals from head to toe
  • Easy to learn and perform
  • Basic techniques provide advanced knowledge
  • Suitable for everyone

Qi-ssage Qigong Massage for Injuries

Qi-ssage is another recommended course. It targets blocked energy points. Blockages can cause various pains and blockages. Massage helps remove these blockages, free up energy lines, and promote healing.

You can learn Qi-ssage techniques on the Spring Forest Qigong Center’s website, Healing Centre, or retreats. For a complete experience, try these beginner courses:

  • Qi-ssage Healing: This comprehensive course includes a DVD, CD, and manual. Master Lin guides you through full Qi-ssage sessions. You can use these techniques to heal both yourself and others.
  • Head to Toe Body’s Repair Manual: This manual includes 76 self-healing techniques. It focuses on where and how to apply pressure to relieve pain and other symptoms, without detailed explanations of Qi-ssage.

Direct Healing Qigong for Injuries

If you prefer not to exercise, Qi-ssage is ideal because it only requires your hands. If Qi-ssage isn’t suitable, you can still receive expert healing:

  • Group Healing: Join the Healing Connection teleseminar or 10-minute group healing phone calls for remote healing led by SFQ masters, including Master Chunyi Lin.
  • One-on-One Healing: Arrange personal healing or coaching sessions by calling the centre directly.

Concluding Thoughts

Whether you should use Qigong for injuries depends on the severity of the injury. Most people find such courses useful post treatment with their doctor’s prescribed course of action.