Qigong For Injuries

Qigong for Injuries

One of the best things about Qigong is that you don’t need to be super fit in order to practice or benefit from it. With most practices there is a certain degree of fitness, flexibility and strength required. That even applies with yoga, because while you don’t need to be super strong and fit, you do need to be flexible and fully abled, and that excludes a lot of people.

But what if you are injured or have limited mobility? In this article we’ll take a look at some of their gentler, easier healing practices.

Qigong Hands on Healing

The Spring Forest Qigong Centre teaches a form of healing known as Qi-ssage. This was created exclusively for the Spring Forest Qigong Centre by its founder, Master Chunyi Lin. He combined elements of ancient Chinese massage and Qigong in order to create something that could heal you and something that could be used to heal others. There are many benefits to this diverse and varied practice, and these include:

  • Healing from head to toe
  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to perform
  • Basic techniques that give advanced knowledge
  • Everyone can do it

All About Qi-ssage

Qi-ssage works by focusing on energy points. When these become blocked, then all kinds of pains, aches and diseases can present themselves, and all illnesses are the result of a buildup of energy in one of these energy points. The idea is that you can use massage to remove these, to free-up those energy lines and to heal yourself.

Qi-ssage techniques make an appearance throughout the Spring Forest Qigong Centre website and they are also discussed at the Healing Centre and during many of the retreats that the SFQ take on the road. You can pickup some techniques by signing up to their newsletter, by reading through their seasonal healing pages or by visiting their Youtube channel. But if you want the full experience, focus on these two courses, both of which can be taken by beginners:

  • Qi-ssage Healing: This is a comprehensive course that includes three elements: a DVD, a CD and a manual. This is as good as it gets when it comes to learning Qi-ssage techniques. You will be guided through full Qi-ssage sessions by Master Lin, whose actions you are tasked with emulating on the DVD and whose voice you are tasked with following on the CD. The focus here is on how you can use these techniques to heal others, but you can also use them on yourself.
  • Head to Toe Bodys Repair Manual: This course comes as a single manual, with a total of 76 techniques, all of which focus entirely on self healing. This course doesn’t go into detail about what Qi-ssage is, but it does go into detail regarding where you need to apply pressure and how you need to apply pressure in order to alleviate pains and other symptoms.

Direct Healing

There are many other courses at the Spring Forest Qigong Centre, and these all include some form of exercise. These are simple, gentle exercises, but they may still be out of the question if you have an injury or a disability. That’s why Qi-ssage works so well, as you only need to have the use of your hands.

If this doesn’t work for you, there are also ways that you can be healed by experts at the Spring Forest Qigong Centre. And you don’t even need to visit the Healing Centre or join one of their retreats to benefit from this:

  • Group Healing: Via the Healing Connection teleseminar, as well as their 10 minute group healing phone calls, you can join a number of other SFQ students over the phone and benefit from high quality healing. This is provided by an SFQ master and in the case of the Healing Connection, it is led by Master Chunyi Lin himself.
  • One-on-One Healing: If you want more direct and personal healing, there are also one-on-one sessions available. There are no teleseminars structured like this, but you can simply phone the centre to arrange your own healing or coaching session.