
Chinese Nutrition from a TCM Perspective

Below we summarize popular Chinese Nutrition knowledge derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Foods for Wellness

  1. Acne: Yogurt may be helpful for those suffering from acne.
  2. Enlarged Pores: Cucumbers can help reduce enlarged pores on the face.
  3. Dry Skin (Fall and Winter): Kiwi fruit can help keep the skin moist during dry seasons.
  4. Skin Spots: Tomatoes may help lighten skin spots.
  5. Improving Eyesight: Carrots are known for their potential to improve eyesight.
  6. Constipation: Drinking water in the morning can help with constipation.
  7. Relieving Shoulder Pain (Due to Office Stress): Almonds may help relieve shoulder pain caused by office-related stress.
  8. Increasing Female Hormones and Youthful Appearance: Sesame seed paste is suggested for this purpose.
  9. Strong Bones: Pork rib soup is recommended for bone health.
  10. Painful Joints (Middle-Aged and Older Women): Dried peeled shrimp may help with joint pain.
  11. Weight Loss: Red bean bread is mentioned as a choice for those looking to lose weight.
  12. Attitude Issues: Barley tea is suggested to help with attitude problems.
  13. Relieving Nervous Tension: Hot and sour soup is recommended for tension relief.
  14. Puffiness of the Face: Wax gourd may help reduce facial puffiness.
  15. Dry Eyes (Computer Use): Bananas are mentioned for relieving dry eyes during computer use.
  16. Afternoon Fatigue (3 PM Slump): Almonds and chocolate are suggested for overcoming afternoon fatigue.
  17. Detoxification: Chinese yam is mentioned for its potential detoxification benefits.

Foods to Avoid

The text also lists foods to avoid or consume in moderation due to potential health risks. These include:

  1. Pig Liver: High cholesterol content.
  2. Deep Fried Dough Sticks: May contain alums, an inorganic matter of aluminum.
  3. Barbecue: Can produce toxic substances during cooking.
  4. Century Egg (Year Egg): Some manufacturers may add lead, which can lead to lead poisoning.
  5. Spinach: High oxalate content can affect calcium and zinc absorption.
  6. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): Excessive intake may have harmful effects.
  7. Salted Vegetable: Improperly made salted vegetables may contain carcinogens and ammonium nitrate.
  8. Stinky Tofu: Vulnerable to microorganisms during fermentation, potentially producing harmful compounds.

Top 9 Macrobiotic Foods

  1. Apple: Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation, and cancer, and boosts immunity and cardiovascular health.
  2. Fish: Reduces the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Garlic: Prevents colds and reduces the risk of gastric and intestinal cancer.
  4. Strawberries: Rich in vitamin C, iron, and antioxidants, promoting immunity and preventing cancers.
  5. Carrots: Rich in Beta-carotene, protecting genes’ structure, improving skin and eyesight.
  6. Bananas: High in magnesium and other trace elements, helps regulate blood sugar.
  7. Green Tea: Contains catechol, which prevents atherosclerosis, prostate cancer, and aids weight loss.
  8. Soybeans: Rich in lecithin, vitamin B, and vegetable proteins, improving brain function and nervous systems.
  9. Pepper: Enhances metabolism, aids weight loss, and stimulates gastric secretion.

There are many other Chinese nutritional concepts but these serve as a solid foundation. These are just guidelines and you should consult with a medical professional before making any major changes to your diet.