Wellness Blog

Chunyi Lin is an internationally renowned Qigong master and healer from China. He is the founder of Spring Forest Qigong. The international …

Ever wonder where some of the places with the best Qi are on earth or what makes a place have good Qi? …

One of the best things about Qigong is that you don’t need to be super fit in order to practice or benefit …

Qi (Chi) blockages, also known as energy blockages, arise due to blocked or stagnant energy according to Qigong, Daoist, TCM theory and …

If you’ve ever felt more focused and stimulated after drinking tea, you’ve experienced the effects of caffeine, a common and widely tolerated …

Evaluating the quality of tea involves a careful assessment of its appearance, aroma, and taste. While there are many other smaller details …

What are Tea Insects?

A lot of tea drinkers have heard of tea insects but are unsure whether interactions with these are safe for tea consumption. …

Water types play a major role in tea drinking. With all the different kinds on the market it is difficult to know …

Advanced Qigong Practices

Advanced Qigong has many routes but is mainly summarized as advanced techniques for circulating and enhancing Qi. The goal is to become …

Sword Fingers is an ancient Qigong technique used to remove energy blockages. It combines channeling Qi and energy removal visualization to promote …

DVDs are the perfect medium for exploring Qigong, especially when are led by an experienced master. Listening to CDs and following written …

Qi-ssage, also known as Qi ssage, is a Qigong massage program developed by Qigong Master Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong. It …