1,000 Year Old Ancient Tea Tree Puerh - 2002 Picked Selection

A Look at Ancient Old Tea Trees in China

Ancient tea trees in China are a relatively unknown thing to the tea world. They are both unique to the world tea ecosystem and part of a revamped tea phenomena. In this article we look at some of the most ancient tea trees and explore their relationship to tea varieties.

Jingxiu Tea Ancestor

Jingxiu Tea Ancestor stands in Fengqing County, Yunnan, at an elevation of 2,245 meters. It towers at 10.6 meters and has a circumference of 5.82 meters. This tree, over 3,200 years old, is a living relic of the tea world. Protecting the tree and its surroundings is crucial. Within a 100-meter radius, no construction, wastewater dumping, or harmful activities occur. These measures safeguard this living fossil.

The No.1 Ancient Tea Tree in Qianjia Village

The largest wild ancient tea tree in the world grows in the virgin forest of Ainao Mountain, Qianjia Village, Yunnan, at 2,000 meters. Standing 25.6 meters tall, experts estimate it to be about 2,700 years old. The No.1 Ancient Tea Tree in Qianjia Village remained undiscovered until 1991. In October 2001, a company adopted the tree and initiated strict protection measures. Dedicated individuals take turns guarding these ancient trees year-round.

The Wild Ancient Tea Trees of the Mengku Snowy Mountain

The world’s largest ancient tea garden lies in the Mengku Snowy Mountain. Discovered in 1997, this community of ancient tea trees thrives in a dense, lush forest. Many of these trees are over a thousand years old. To preserve this natural wonder, the local government prohibits tea leaf collection in the area, except for scientific research.

Old Tea Tree Harvests

Harvesting tea from tea trees dating over 200-300 years old is increasingly difficult. In places such as Wuyi Mountains where Rock Tea is produced, most tea trees are 40-50 years old. Only a select few areas boast trees dating over 80-100 years old.

Yunnan holds the oldest tea trees in the world. Farmers use them mainly for making Puerh tea since most trees there produce Puerh tea leaves. Aged tree tea is known for having better Cha Qi “Tea Qi” and is an increasing commodity as a result.