
Guide to Lunula & the Body from TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) places significance on the presence and characteristics of lunula, also spelled as lunulae. These are the half-moon-shaped white areas at the base of your fingernails. According to TCM principles, lunulae on your nails are considered important indicators of health. Here’s what TCM believes about lunulae and their relation to your overall well-being.

Lunula Indicators According to TCM

  1. Number and Location of Lunulae: TCM suggests that a healthy person should have a lunula on the thumb nail, and it’s even better to have lunulae on the index and middle finger nails. It’s considered acceptable not to have a lunula on the ring finger nail. The optimal number of lunulae on all nails is between eight to ten. Fewer lunulae are believed to be associated with lower energy, poorer health, a weakened immune system, and fatigue.
  2. Health Barometer: In TCM, nails are seen as extensions of the tendons and are associated with the liver and gallbladder. They are considered indicators of the body’s internal mechanisms and pathophysiology, reflecting your overall health. Lunulae are referred to as the “barometer” of your health condition.
  3. Diagnosis Tool: Chinese medical specialists use the presence, color, and size of lunulae to diagnose your health. For example, the absence of lunulae on the thumbs is believed to indicate kidney deficiency. Changes in lunula color or a decrease in their number are thought to signal underlying health issues.
  4. Improving Lunulae: TCM suggests that you can enhance your lunulae through a combination of healthy lifestyle choices. These include exercise, a proper diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and consuming health-promoting beverages like tea and soup.
  5. Recovery Indicator: When you are recovering from certain health conditions through proper conditioning and treatment, TCM suggests that your lunulae may gradually grow back and regain their characteristic appearance.

While TCM offers insights into the importance of lunulae in health assessment, it’s important to note that these traditional practices are based on holistic and philosophical principles. They are not a substitute for modern medical diagnosis and treatment.