Loose Leaf Oolong Tea

Explore a wide variety of Loose Leaf Oolong Tea. Premium Grade selections hand-picked in Asia’s finest high mountain tea environments for optimal taste and quality.

All products are either gourmet, premium level quality or have won awards as various tea competitions. Our partnership with these farmers has provided unique access to Oolongs that otherwise sell out very quickly in Asia. These teas are coveted for their fragrance and complex flavor notes.

All Loose Leaf Oolong Tea products are organic. They are hand plucked and hand rolled during packaging in order to preserve quality known to traditional Oolong tea making. Most tea companies source Oolongs from terrace environments that are machine plucked and packaged.

From specialty and limited small batch selections to our signature Oriental Beauty and Wenshan Baozhong, our Oolongs have something for every tea enthusiast to enjoy.